Our democracy is worth saving. Are you with us?

We can’t save this country by waiting on miracles. Hope is not a strategy. That’s why we can’t wait for the Washington D.C. political elites to act.

We are building the strongest political coalition of like-minded people and organizations in America because the the threat we face demands it.

The Union is connecting people with the right jobs, teams, and tasks to help save democracy. We’ll help match your drive and your skills with causes, campaigns, and candidates who need your help to save this nation.

Tell us a little about yourself so we can connect you with the projects where you can make the most impact.

"*" indicates required fields

All of these questions are optional
Are you a veteran?
What are you interested in working on?
(such as: Design/Illustration, Writing, Editing, Social Media, etc)

When the people rise in masses in behalf of the Union and the liberties of their country, truly may it be said, ‘The gates of hell shall not prevail against them.’
President Abraham Lincoln – February 11, 1861