
"I wept for a week during and after watching the insurrection. The only way I could find any respite [was] in finally writing this song. Thanks for standing strong for truth, democracy, and the rule of law."

- Marie Gardella  (AKA, Marie Nofsinger-songwriter)


"It’s about time we started to take back our national icons. I never surrendered the flag. I never surrendered the proud title of patriot. I have worked for years with the League of Women Voters to register voters. ALL voters. I am proud to be part of their non-partisan efforts to empower voters and protect democracy."

- Wenda Kincaid


"I swore to uphold and defend the constitution as a U.S. Marine and as a police officer when I returned home. I’m now retired, but the reverence for our flag has never faded. Throughout our nation’s history, brave Americans have fought and died in part, bringing free and fair elections to oppressed people around the world. I am passionate about reminding those who will listen that Donald Trump dishonors their sacrifices by continuing to claim a presidential election was stolen from him here at home. Semper Fidelis!"

- Norman H.

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take back the flag

Why are you reclaiming the flag as a symbol of democracy?

Share your photos or videos of the flag and tell us what the flag means to you on your favorite social media platforms with hashtags #jointheunionus and #TakeBackTheFlag or send to us at (Videos should be less than 2 minutes and preferably horizontal.)


The views and opinions expressed by contributors are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect the positions of The Union, a single-issue organization that welcomes all and is dedicated to protecting democracy.