Thank you for joining The Union.

Welcome to The Union. It’s great to have you join the effort to defend our democracy!

Our 65,000+ volunteers are working hard via meaningful actions to defend democracy at local, state and national levels. You can find ways to join us and get to work right now, by visiting The Union Action Center

Here’s what you can expect next: 

  • Access to a welcoming and inclusive online community called The Union Hub (via the Slack collaboration tool). Here, we share ideas and set priorities.
  • The ability to join a state team comprised of volunteers near you and/or in a must-win state (AZ, GA, MI, NV, PA, WI)  where you may wish to focus your energy and attention
  • Social media content you can use to help amplify our pro-democracy messages

To get started …

STEP 1:  Monitor The Union Action Center for the latest high-priority actions you can help with on any given day

STEP 2:  Join and/or view conversations occurring on The Union Hub (Slack)

STEP 3:  Review The Union Democracy Toolkit

You have the power to help save our democracy and we look forward to connection with you via an activity or online conversation.

Thank you for doing your part,

The Union